
machinery at The Dental Wellness Company

Individualized Attention for Invisalign® in Chagrin Falls

Achieve a beautifully straight smile without the hassle or pain of brackets and wires. The Dental Wellness Company in Chagrin Falls, Ohio can develop a personalized care plan to give you Invisalign®, modern dentistry’s most popular method of orthodontics without braces.

What’s special about Invisalign® treatment?

Invisalign® aligners are virtually invisible

Invisalign® is virtually invisible to others with the use of clear aligners instead of metal brackets.

Eat or drink what you want with Invisalign®

Invisalign®’s invisible aligners are removable. Just take out your invisible aligners before you eat, brush your teeth and/or rinse your mouth with water, and put them back in when you are finished. 

Invisalign® is less painful than traditional braces

Invisalign® offers advanced orthodontic care without the pain associated with traditional braces. No sharp edges, no wires, and no adjustments. 

Oral health is easy to maintain

No special brushing needed. Simply remove the aligners, brush and floss your teeth as you would normally, and put the aligners back in place. 

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Your Invisalign® Journey

1. See Us for a Complimentary Consultation

It’s simple and free to see if Invisalign® will work for you. During your consultation, our team will assess your oral health and analyze whether Invisalign® is the best treatment solution for your specific situation. 

2. We Create Your Personalized Treatment Plan

The road to your beautifully straight smile begins with a personalized treatment plan. We will take detailed images and impressions of your teeth to determine your Invisalign® pathway. Your plan will detail the length of treatment, the expected results and financial arrangements for care. Your timeline for transformation involves many factors, but adults can typically expect about a year and teenagers around eighteen months.

3. Your New Aligners Are Ready To Use

When your new aligners are ready, we will walk you through the simple process of wearing them. Invisalign® clear aligners are made of BPA-free smooth plastic and are specifically designed for your teeth. So you can fully expect them to fit nicely and be comfortable as you wear them for about 20 to 22 hours a day. Remember, they can be removed to eat, drink or engage in activities where removal is helpful.


4. Follow Your Schedule

As each Invisalign® aligner gently moves your teeth into position, you will need to switch to a new next-step aligner about every two weeks. Precision crafted, each aligner is designed to build upon the previous aligner to shift your teeth about 1/10mm per tray. With each new aligner, you will begin to see your teeth move closer and closer to their final destination. Our team will see you at regular intervals throughout your treatment to ensure everything is moving according to schedule.

5. Enjoy Your Beautifully Straight Smile

When your treatment is complete, you’ll be flashing your new confident smile for the world to see. For some patients a follow-up retainer may be worn for a while to ensure your beautifully straight smile remains aligned. 

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The Benefits of a Straight Smile


Studies show that a beautiful smile increases self-esteem, confidence, and overall appearance. Not surprisingly, research also reveals that it may lead to greater professional opportunities and higher income levels.


Straightened teeth lead to better lifelong oral health. They are easier to clean and less prone to chipping and decay. Straighter teeth also reduce the likelihood of gingivitis and gum disease.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

To find out if Invisalign® is a good fit for your smile goals, schedule a free consultation with our team today to get started. During your consultation, our team will assess your oral health, discuss your goals, and take detailed impressions and x-rays to formulate a personalized treatment plan just for you. 

Smile with confidence with the help of Invisalign® clear aligners. Contact us today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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Learn More About Invisalign®

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